Are you looking for the best reloading dies?
Dies are one of the most important tools to help you reload ammunition. It is crucial that you find the best reloading dies for your particular caliber. In doing so, you can ensure that reloading your brass will always be done precisely and reliably.
Some die sets have problems with jamming or are unable to deliver quality shells. Choosing a high-end product will help you eliminate these problems and result in a better shooting experience.
There tren e are many brands that manufacture die sets. Three main brands are known for their quality and reliability: Hornady, RCBS, and Lee Precision. They also provide a variety of dies for different types of ammunition. In this best reloading dies review, we will be looking at these three main brands to discover why they have become the most trusted among reloaders.
Comparison Table Best Reloading Dies in 2017
1. Lee Precision Reloading Dies – Least time consuming
When it comes to product offerings and availability, Lee Precision Dies offer a wide variety of products for nearly any caliber. Lee Precision has the ideal product for just about anyone.
Lee Precision Dies now offers carbide dies that eliminate the need for you to lubricate your shells. This feature saves a huge amount of time and can help you reload faster. Its spindle assembly has been redesigned to be held in its place with a collet.
Lee Precision Dies usually come in sets. Its sizing die provides accuracy for the shells. Since Lee Precision also manufactures reloading presses, they also offer reloading kits that are complete with reloading dies. This brand is considered to be one of the best.
In addition, Lee Precision Die sets also come with a free shell holder that is the same size as the dies. Some brands would charge extra for this addition. Also, users receive a Powder Measure and Charge Table along with the dies. This information is especially useful for beginners and can be very handy.
Although the Lee Precision brand tends to be cheaper than others, the lower price is not an indication of lower quality. Most people use their dies for years without issue. Lee Precision backs their products with a lifetime warranty, making it a popular choice for both beginners and seasoned reloaders.
2. Hornady Reloading Dies – Marked by sturdiness
Hornady Dies are manufactured with extreme care and quality. Hornady products are among the best on the market. They’ve been in the business for years. If you’ve got some old tools that used to belong to your father or grandfather, there’s a good chance they were manufactured by Hornady. The carefully-made dies help ensure precision and smooth operation. Settling for low-quality dies will only cause you problems.
Carbide dies from Hornady extend the life of the shells and make reloading easier. There’s no need to lube or rub your cases, as this type of die is designed to be smooth and stick-free. The Zip Spindle Design on their full-length dies locks consistently to eliminate slippage. On the other hand, Hornady’s pistol dies have a titanium nitride “gold ring” that is harder than a carbide die and also does not need any lubrication. This makes it possible to resize your pistol cases without leaving a scratch.
Hornady also features Sure-Loc that keeps pressure on the threads that hold the ring in its place. This feature helps avoid damage during reloading. Hornady’s compression washer makes it easier to make adjustments to the dies, all while making sure they are kept in their rightful place.
Seating the bullet is one of the most important steps while reloading your cases. Hornady’s In-line Bullet Seating System helps ensure that the bullets are properly aligned before they are seated on the brass. This system helps keep the bullet, case, neck, and seating stem aligned properly in the sleeve before the neck of the case receives the bullet.
If you’re someone who is in the market for custom-made dies, Hornady can create them for you. These custom-made dies from Hornady are made with the highest precision and quality to meet your needs. The dies are hand-crafted and polished to ensure quality and accuracy.
3. RCBS Reloading Dies – Most complete reloading dies solution
Another popular die manufacturer is RCBS. Their die sets tend to be more expensive but are of the highest quality. RCBS is a reliable brand that provides accurate dies that are easy to use and maintain.
Most of the sets from RCBS include three dies, both for rifles and handguns. Since they are carbide dies, they can help reduce the need for lubrication. The three-die sets work in different stages of the reloading process using your press. The Carbide Sizer Die helps size the case and deprime it. The Expander Die expands the neck of the brass to ensure that the bullet will be able to fit. This process is very important to ensure accuracy and safety. Lastly, the Seater Die seats the bullet into the case and taper crimps.
RCBS produces different types of dies, including X-Dies, Precision Dies, Competition Rifle Dies, Carbide Pistol Dies, Cowboy Dies, and Custom Dies. All of them are made with high quality and precision. RCBS dies are available in sets of two or three.
RCBS also provides their customers with a limited lifetime warranty. Should anything happen to your dies, they will either repair or replace them, giving you peace of mind for years to come.
The best reloading dies may not always be the most expensive or the most popular. Some brands may not offer the particular die that you need. Some reloaders also use different brands depending on the caliber they’re using.
On the other hand, some reloaders choose a die according to the reloading press they’re using. Some companies create dies and presses that are not compatible with products from other manufacturers. You must choose a die that is suited for your existing press.
Final Words
All of the three best reloading dies come at different prices. Some may also have different features. They all basically offer the same service for their users. Certainly, Lee Precision is a great choice for those on a tight budget. Still, others prefer the quality of Hornady or RCBS.
You should make a decision about which is best for you by doing as much research as you can. Many people stick with their favorite brand and are loyal to it for years. Because the products they offer are so reliable, it is not uncommon to see someone using a die they purchased many years ago.
Choosing the right quality dies can help improve accuracy and safety. To ensure that you are getting the best out of your tools, choose a brand that continuously delivers quality and satisfaction.
Redding dies are the best dies you can buy.
Once you use them you will not want to use any other brand.
Yup there that good.